Abilities are essentially feature toggles for your instances. Most features condition their usability on one or more abilities.
Ostara automatically detects all available abilities for a given instance using the conditions set out below.
Ability | Condition |
Metrics | Endpoint |
Env | Endpoint |
Beans | Endpoint |
Quartz | Endpoint |
Flyway | Endpoint |
Liquibase | Endpoint |
Logfile | Endpoint |
Loggers | Endpoint |
Caches | Endpoint |
Cache Statistics | Has Caches ability, has Metrics ability, at least one of the following metrics exist: |
Threaddump | Endpoint |
Heapdump | Endpoint |
Shutdown | Endpoint |
Refresh | Endpoint |
Http Request Statistics | Has Metrics ability, the following metric exists: |
Integration Graph | Endpoint |
Properties | Endpoint |
Mappings | Endpoint |
Scheduled Tasks | Endpoint |
Health | Endpoint |
Info | Endpoint |
System Properties | Has Env ability, property source |
System Environment | Has Env ability, property source |
Togglz | Endpoint |
Last updated